Film: Bright Starring: Will Smith, Joe Legerton Rating: 3X's out of 5X's This year Netflix took a 90 million dollar chance on an original piece starring none other than #willsmith. Many didnt know what to expect while comparing the film to the 1988 #jamescaan buddy cop classic #AlienNation, but this particular film takes a different and unexpected turn mixing the buddy cop drama genre with fantasy and magic. Where others may have thought ill of this concept, I particularly think it was brilliant in a sense. Where the the film fails for us is lack of explanation. The marketing for this film leaves little to go off of which is easy to swallow but while watching this film you could easily be left wanting more. Was this the plan all along? The film begins following #DarylWard a police officer who is just recovering from a fatal shooting he's to believe likely happened as a result of the incompetence of his partner #NickJakobywho is of another species known as Orc. Orcs are ogre like beings who walk the L.A. streets amongst the human race, fairys and Elves!

As magical as that all sounds this is where the darkness of art imitating life takes over. The world does not see Orcs as an equal race, and Elves are of the more financially privileged life forms so there is alot of segregation within this world. Outside of the world created we definitely could've used more character development around our main characters but mostly the world so carefully created as the back drop. We hear of rumors about a sequel already in play. Let's hope we get the backstory that will tie this thing together!