First, I wanna give a HUGE Thank you again to my bro @friendlyneighborhoodvariant for looking out an grabbing me this guy.
When the Hasbro Fan First Team announced we were getting Sleepwalker, first thing I thought was "Finally!". Sleepwalker was one figure I thought had already been made an I could find when I jumped back into action figure collecting, but soon found this was one character that was never made even as a early Toy-biz fig.

Hasbro pulse did not sleep on the detail that went into Sleepwalker. (See what I did there?) Sleepwalker made his debut appearance in Sleepwalker #1 as the guardian and protector of the mind and the wold of the mindscape. This figure is pulled right from the comic. The figure is full of texture that translates onto the added plastic rags wrapped throughout Sleepwalker. Now although this has been a figure the community has long awaited for an while and can now become a great addition to your Legends display. Was it worth the wait?

A good black or darker purple wash I think would have cut into the texture better and made the details and creases pop more. I personally think this was a missed opportunity. When you have a figure that is making its legends debut I feel you have to make it shine. Pull out all the stop. Make it a deluxe, make it a 2 pack an thrown in 8 ball, make an effect for his wrap gaze, I know it's a long shot but one can only hope, right? Make the cape and rags cloth good and wired. No, I'm not bashing this fig at all, I'm simply saying he's been fan requested for sometime and it's the first time we get to see him so let's go all out!

Accessories include: 2 sets of hands, fisted and grabbing hands. The grabbing hands pair well with sleepy as his mystic Wizard-ish look.
The head sculpt is exactly how I thought he would look an Hasbro nailed that. Articulation is basic Hasbro legends. Being a Customizer by night I had to pair him with 8 ball in a few pics. Sleepwalker is a good addition to the legends line an a figure you'll want to have for your display. With minor things that could have been improved it's still one you should consider grabbing just to add to your collection.

-Mayhem Maddness
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